Small Steps, Sensible Choices, Superior Health.

Heart Palpitations From Diet Soda

by Sherry

I am a 42 year old female and I used to be a Diet soda drinker for years. About 5 years ago I started having heart palpitations and a racing heart.

After having an EKG and a songram of my heart, the doctor started eliminating things from my diet.

We found diet soda to be the culprit and the doctor said I was very sensitive to the artificial sweetener in the soda.

After eliminating this from my diet the palapitations have stopped.

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Nov 26, 2021
Thank You to all who shared NEW
by: Anonymous

I thought I was the only one that Diet Peps affected in this way. Tried the No Sugar Dr Pepper and same thing only worse. No more soda for me. Making pitchers of fresh fruit enhanced water from now on.

Jun 25, 2021
Same NEW
by: Anonymous

I thought it was just caffeine that was giving me the heart palpitations but no it was all the above for me alcohol, caffeine, aspartame,and sometimes even spicy things it's so weird. I get instant heart palpitations with diet soda, I drink it and 5 minutes later I get them. I'll still have one occasionally but I usually buy a 20 oz. and just take a couple of sips here and there, the one bottle could last me days.

Mar 23, 2021
Diet Soda and alcohol NEW
by: Anonymous

This is interesting, I was a diet soda drinker for years but was always concerned about the chemicals in it. A few years ago on a whim, I stopped cold turkey, but substituted coffee in its place. I had never been much of a coffee drinker and initially had no problems. About 8 months later, I started noticing irregular heartbeats and got worried. My doctor had me see a specialist after an ECG was not conclusive. About a week beforehand, I stopped drinking coffee. Shortly before my appointment, the palpitations were pretty much gone. I figured the caffeine in the coffee was to blame. I started drinking soda again, but limited it to one 12 oz can a day. Did not have problems with palpitations until last year, after a night of drinking several tapped beers. I noticed palpitations the next morning and for several days afterwards. I read about "Holiday Heart" which was coined after people reportedly had palpitations during binge drinking around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not being much of a drinker, I concluded this was my problem. I recently had another episode after drinking several pints of tap beer. It seems that I'm not as affected as much by bottled beer of hard liquor. I still drink "regular" soda, but no more than one can a day.

Feb 24, 2020
Thank you for this post NEW
by: Anna

My husband and I have been having heart palpitations off and on for a while now. We stopped drinking but they remained. We cut out all caffeine including caffeine in diet sodas but they still came. Finally, we noticed after drinking caffeine free diet soda that we almost got them instantly at the same time. Then I found this post. We will never drink diet soda of any kind ever again! Thank you so much for this post as these palpitations make me not be able to sleep, cause extreme anxiety and stress. Thank you thank you!

Feb 12, 2020
Stopped Diet Soda, then Soda Altogether
by: Lowell

I have had heart arrhythmia and tachycardia for 3 and half years. I had to have two cardiac ablation surgeries at $60,000 a piece. I am taking Tykosin to control heart rate which would go up to 140 per minute. I used to drink caffeine-free Diet Pepsi for a long time. But after a recent return of high heart rate, I stopped drinking the diet soda. I went 6 weeks without any problems. I think it was the aspartame. They started up again, and I stopped drinking any type of soda. Now I am four weeks with no problems. Eat bananas and take potassium powder to keep your potassium levels up. If you have to drink a soda once in a while, drink regular 7Up, as it has potassium chloride.

Jan 31, 2020
Heart palps
by: Anonymous

This is crazy. I found the same problem with me. I stopped diet coke my heart palps went away. As another RN posted one night I think my heart actually went into a ventricular escape rhythm. It was literally going at 40 beats per minute and felt like shit.

I haven't had any diet coke in awhile now and like a dumbass had two today. I can feel it coming on ever so slightly again. I didn't have heart palps that I could obviously detect but I could feel the tension that comes before one.

It is insane to think that diet coke can cause serious heart rhythm abnormalities. It obviously does in me and it seems like many others. I wonder how many people are out there right now with jacked up heart palpitations that have further risk profiles that could seriously endanger them.

Just thought I'd add my report of the same.

May 31, 2019
Aspartame and heart palpitations NEW
by: Anonymous

I've been living with these palpitations for years, seeing a cardiologist regularly and two days ago they got so bad I almost went to the ER. I was having a skip beat every 5 or 10 seconds. That night I read an article about aspartame causing this problem and I stopped drinking diet soda and instant tea. Within hours, no more skips. The last 2 day of no skips are the first ones in years! I wish I could share this with everyone on earth! I'm seeing my heart doctor next week and intend to make sure he knows what happened and how I feel about the whole thing.

Jul 23, 2018
Dick Popek NEW
by: Rick Smiddy

Are you the same Dick Popek that served on the DE-1051?

Jul 23, 2018
Heart disrhythmias NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, I’m a RN and can say without hesitation that I had the same problems as everyone else and cut out Diet Pepsi. The dysrhythmias went away. One night I thought my heart was going to completely stop because it was skipping so many beats. Scary!! That stuff is terrible for you!!

Apr 28, 2017
Diet Caffeine-Free Dr. Pepper
by: Dick Popek

At the age of 68, I started having episodes of heart palpitations at least a couple of times a day.

I drink two cups of coffee every morning and I've been drinking diet sodas since "Tab" was introduced in 1963. I've been drinking only diet caffeine-free Dr. Pepper for as long as I can remember with no noticeable adverse effects.

It took me a couple of months to finally determine that it was the Dr. Pepper that was causing my palpitations.

After 4 or 5 days of abstinence, the palpitations stopped completely. Haven't had them since I stopped drinking Dr. Pepper six months ago.

Dec 21, 2016
Yes, Diet Coke is the culprit!
by: Anonymous

I gave up beer (actually alcohol all together) and diet coke became my new drink of choice. That was until I started having heart palpitations.

I then cut the diet coke out and the palpitations stopped. I've always heard diet coke wasn't good for you and now I have proof! Drink VERY moderately or not at all!

Aug 08, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hi I've been drinking diet coke for 5 years.I gave it up a couple of days ago and now I'm experiencing palpitations is that normal.

Jun 14, 2015
Diet Soda and palpitations
by: Lorrie

I developed serious palpitations over a year ago. The doctor couldn't find a cause but put me on metropolol. I continued having episodes.

I cut out all alcohol, caffeine, and diet soda and the episodes went away. I've slowly experimented with the three and found every time I let diet soda back in, drinking about 2 a day for a couple days.....the episodes come back.

Aug 31, 2014
by: Anonymous

I also had rapid heart episodes with diet soda plus many muscle spasms in my back. I quit diet soda and all symptoms have stopped!

Feb 09, 2012
I've had the same problem
by: Anonymous

I noticed I was getting more frequent heart palpitations and thought it was from drinking caffeine. However, I haven't had them recently. After reading this, the one thing that's been eliminated from my diet is Propel, which has aspartame. I was drinking at least two bottles a day. Now that I'm not having it, the palpitations have stopped. I assume it must be the same thing!

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