Small Steps, Sensible Choices, Superior Health.
by Shannon
(Appleton, WI, USA)
At 16, I was fed up with my chubby figure, so I switched from regular Coke to Diet Coke.I was never a fan of the aftertaste of diet, but zero calories seemed too good to pass up.
Months later, no smaller in size, I figured out that just switching to diet soda wasn't working-- so I quit drinking it. The aftertaste was not worth the non-results, in my mind.
Two months later, my period snuck up on me, like it used to. The lightbulb went on-- the whole time I had been drinking Diet Coke (sweetened with Aspartame), I had been having HORRENDOUS cramping and bloating and really intense crabbiness with my periods. Now that I was off the stuff, I was blissfully back to normal. So as a test, I drank Diet Coke again for a couple days, and waited. Yup-- the PMS and Cramps From Hell were back.
Over the years, I have found that whenever I even accidentally ingest some Aspartame (usually in the form of sugarless gum), I have monster periods and PMS. I avoid it like the plague now, and only get to chew a very few sugared bubble gums. When will the gum industry figure out that Aspartame is the Devil?? (Or at least, turns me onto one!!)
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