Small Steps, Sensible Choices, Superior Health.

Anxiety and Aspartame

by Joy Staber
(Cadott WI USA)

I developed full blown anxiety which eventually included an abundance of drugs happily supplied by my doctor. That experience was a nightmare of constantly increasing the drugs while still consuming Diet Coke.

I ran across a company called Point of Return and decided to give them a try. Natural supplements produced by them for slow reduction of medications and elimination of artificial sweeteners in time got me off my medications and living pretty much anxiety free. I have a family history bent towards being anxious.

Recently I went on a shake supplement program called Bodies By Vi which suggested the use of sugar free pudding to enhance the flavor of the shakes. Without a thought I followed the instructions and anxiety increased. Then a light bulb moment hit me and I wondered about the pudding ingredients and sure enough aspartame I am now going to eliminate the sugar free pudding from my shakes and am hopeful improvement will be the result.

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